We follow the Edexcel International IGCSE course. Typically, 4 units are studied over the two-year course. The course code is 4HI1. The link to the website can be found here. Here are a selection of the topics we have taught.
The Changes in Medicine course charts the development of medical understanding and progress over a 100-year period. The topics include the progress of medicine by 1848, discovery and development between 1860-187, accelerating change from 1875-1905, government action and war from 1905-1920 and then advances in medicine between 1920 and 1948.

The First World War unit covers the pre-war period, with the development of rivalries, focusing on the MAIN causes, as well as specific incidents in North Africa and in the Balkans. The last three units in the textbook cover the First World War itself, identifying the nature of life in the trenches, the style of warfare, the war at sea and Gallipoli, and finally the defeat of Germany in 1918.
The Russia course focuses primarily on the end of the Tsar's reign and the introduction of communism. We cover Tsarist rule in Russia (1905-14), opposition to Tsarist rule between 1914-17, the Provisional Government and the Bolshevik Revolution, the consolidation of power and the Civil War and finally the concept of War Communism and the NEP.

We cover the development of dictatorship in Germany between 1918-45. This covers the establishment of the Weimar Republic and its early problems, the recovery of Germany between 1924-29, the rise of Hitler and the Nazis to January 1933, Nazi Germany 1933-39 and Germany and the occupied territories during the Second World War.

We cover the reasons for the Cold War, early developments in the Cold War (1945-49), the Cold War in the 1950s, the crises in Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia before looking at the thaw and move towards Detente between 1963-72.

This final unit covers an understanding o the conflict in the Middle East since 1917. We focus on the build up of tension in Palestine (1917-46). the creation of Israel and subsequent wars, tension and conflict (1956-73), diplomacy, peace and wider war (1973-83) and finally the attempts to find lasting peace from 1987 up until 2012.
2024 Year 10 End of Year Exam
2020 Year 10 January Mid-Year Exam
2019 Year 10 January End of Year Exam
2019 Year 10 January Mid-Year Exam
2018 Year 10 June Paper 1 Exam
2018 Year 10 June Paper 2 Exam
Question Types and Markschemes
Paper 1 - Depth Studies

Q1a - Extract
Q1b - Explanation
Q1c - Essay
Paper 2 - Investigation
Q2Aa - Key Features
Q2Ab - Source Comparison
Q2Ac - Source Comparison Essay

Paper 2 - Breadth Study
Q2Ba - Similarities/
Q2Bb - Explain
Q2Bc - Essay